Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Zong’s Unlimited SMS Package has been Revised New Limit is 500 SMS Per Day

We all know well that Zong had been offering an Unlimited SMS package, with deduction of Rs. 3 Per day; but (thanks to some SMS advertising companies) Zong has revised this package and now they have set a limit on this unlimited SMS Package.

Though they still call it Unlimited SMS, but the truth is that you can send a maximum of 500 SMS per day…! However pricing remains the same.

This 500 SMS per day limit is too little for power users, and who are accustomed to massive text messaging (thanks to these bundle SMS packages). So if you are subscribed to this package, be sure that you do not cross 500 SMS limit….!

zong sms ad 200x200 Caution: Zong’s Unlimited SMS Package has been Revised | New Limit is 500 SMS Per DayNote: Zong has also introduced a new package that allows 20,000 SMS for Rs. 149 (validity Period 15 days). You must try this new package to enjoy more daily limit.

If you Still think that 500 SMS are enough for you in Rs. 3 (excluding Taxes) per day, then you can subscribe to this package by sending an SMS “sub” to 700 and to unsubscribe SMS “unsubscribe” to 700.
Let’s peek over what other cellular companies are offers terms of SMS Packages…

20,000 SMS for Rs. 149 with ZONG


oday, Zong advertised in Print Media with a new offer which says that you can send as many as 20,000 text messages for Rs. 149 only (excluding taxes, with taxes they become Rs. 180). This limit of 20,000 SMS remains valid for only 15 days…! afterwards you will loose the remaining SMS quota.

How To Subscribe:

Advert says that this offer is available for all Zong Prepaid customers, you can subscribe to this offer by

Write SMS -> SUB and sent it to 701

Make sure that you have at least Rs. 180 in your balance!


Rs. 149 (without taxes) and Rs. 180 with Taxes (Valid for 15 days only)

It merits mentioning here that Zong also offers unlimited text messages with Rs. 3 per day, which is relatively easy for customers, as with that balance is deducted on daily basis…!


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